Family 2011

Family 2011

Friday, March 5, 2010


Yes, I kept wanting to call it dessert too. Dessert sounds way better than desert.
After hearing Keith preach on being in the desert a few weeks ago I have listened to that sermon over and over. I get the desert thing. I understand the feeling like you are in a desert. I also understand at times God leads us to the desert to find our oasis in Him. I have decided I think I may be stubborn and think I can get out of the desert alone and I know better, I know I need Him to get out of the desert. So I need to work on that! I so think at times I can do this on my own and know that isn't how it works. On our own we are nothing. We need Him to lead us and guide us. God's time compared to our time can be so different. I want out of the desert NOW and maybe He doesn't want me out quite yet. I just pray I can learn from this and let Him lead me and quit being so mad about the whole deal. What a lot I have to sing praises about! I can see, I can hear, I can talk, I can think. Thank you God! I have a great husband, wonderful kids and really special grandkids. God is good. All the time. Even in the desert. I keep saying I love sun and sand, so maybe now I need to quit complaining about my desert and enjoy the sun and sand! Well maybe not enjoy, but sit in it a bit.
I do have some happy news. I had a lump removed off my back last week. The doctor thought it looked really strange and had trouble getting it out. I could tell he was stumped. So he sent it to the lab and it came back that it was an inclusion cyst, which can come from a insect. Well, my family swears that is where the tick was. Of course I don't remember. So maybe we have removed the root of evil! :)

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